Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Install/FIX reporting after upgrading RMS to SP1

Went yesterday through a nice SCOM installation, install SCOM then reporting then SP1 for SCOM and reporting, however I had an issue as reports were not showing, tried everything, and went to google and found that most of those cases solved using reporting reinstallation, uninstalled reporting, reset SRS, now I am trying to load the reporting to install, but it gets interrupted, checked the error log and found that reporting cannot be installed as it tries to load MP Warehouse library version that is old and the version will not load. And setup fails.

It gives the following error:

ImportMomManagementPack: Loading management pack C:\Program Files\System
Center Operations Manager
2007\Reporting\Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Internal.mp. 5:26:43 AM
ImportMomManagementPack: We are using the Client API to load the MP.
ImportMomManagementPack: Error: Unable to load management pack C:\Program
Files\System Center Operations Manager
: Cannot import ManagementPack
<<Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Internal, 31bf3856ad364e35,
6.0.6246.0>>. A newer version of this ManagementPack <6.0.6246.0> is already
imported in the database.

To fix this issue follow the following steps:

-          Uninstall SCOM reporting

-          Reset SRS if you

-          Export the default MP and remove the WH library reference and overrides.

-          Import it back

-          Delete the WH library and ORD library MP.

-          Install the reporting.

-          Import the original MP

This is a complex solution, I had a reply from the product team, to run the Reporting2007.msi directly and this should solve the problem, didn’t try this one so you have the both solutions now


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